Annual Spring Cleanup 2025 - part of Creek Week!
Open to general public, ages 11+
Join us to cleanup the Stinking Creek inlet. We need volunteers to pick up trash. We need boaters to haul trash. CLICK HERE for more information and to sign up .

Bland Landscaping Group Cleanup
Bland Landscaping is volunteering again! Cleaning the shoreline of the old fishing dock on Martha’s Chapel Road.
This is a Large Group Cleanup - click here to learn how to organize one for your group.

Seaforth Key Club Cleanup
Key Club is trooping again to cleanup the shoreline west of Bells Church.
This is a Large Group Cleanup - click here to learn how to organize one for your group.
Seaforth High School Key Club Cleanup
From the Poplar Point Campgroup boat ramp, they cleaned up 10 trash bags and half a canoe! Thank you for your continued help!
This is a Large Group Cleanup - click here to learn how to organize one for your group.

Cisco Group Cleanup
23 volunteers braved the cold! Picking up 45 bags of trash, 4 tires and more large items. Thank you!
This was a Large Group Cleanup - click here to learn how to organize one for your group.
Xylem Save Our Waters event
Brandon Viavant and his crew of 10 from Zylem used a pontoon boat to pick up 30 bags of trash and 4 tires from 3 different sites along the Haw River arm of the lake! Thanks for your amazing work!

2024 Public Annual Fall Cleanup
We had a great fall cleanup on Saturday!
63 volunteers turned out on a gorgeous day and picked up 89 bags of trash, 6 tires, a plastic jersey barrier, 2 big plastic barrels, a City of Burlington trash can lid, and 2 giant corrugated culvert pipes! So much trash washed into the lake from Debby and Helene that we'll have to go back and finish it.
Thanks to all who helped!

Thales Academy Group Cleanup
High school students from Thales Academy Cary cleaned up the shoreline to the east of the Army Corps of Engineers Visitors Assistance Center. 38 volunteers picked up 24 bags of trash and one tire. Thank you!
This was a Large Group Cleanup click here to learn how to organize one for your group.

Seaforth High Key Club Cleanup
Thank you volunteers for picking up 17 bags of trash, 1 tire, and several large car parts.
This was a Small Group Cleanup - click here to learn how to organize one for your group.

Dell Technologies Cleanup
Thank you Dell Technologies for supporting Clean Jordan Lake with grant funds and volunteering for a cleanup event They removed 112 bags of trash and 21 tires from the shoreline!
This was a Small Group Cleanup - click here to learn how to organize one for your group.

Seaforth High HOSA Cleanup
A group of volunteer students cleaned the beach across from Bell’s Baptist Church. They collected 20 full bags of trash, mostly recreational. Thank you so much for your efforts and support!
This is a Small Group Cleanup - click here to learn how to organize one for your group.